
  • 1930 • Col.Wm. H.McCurdy, for his generous bequest to Evansville College and for liberal gifts and active support to other worthy causes in our city.
  • 1930 • Mr. Leslie T. Igleheart, for his gift of the solarium to Deaconess Hospital and a large legacy to Evansville College.
  • 1929 • Mrs. Albion Fellows Bacon, for her efforts in the enactment of better housing laws in the city, state and nation, and her many other civic activities.
  • 1928 • Mr. Henry F. Koch, for his active leadership in the promotion of “Graham Day” which gave emphasis to Industrial Evansville.
  • 1928 • Mr. and Mrs. John L. Igleheart, for their gift to Evansville College of a beautifully furnished home for the president.
  • 1927 •  Mr. E. Mead Johnson, Sr., for his gift of the building at 422 S.E. First Street to the Public Health Nursing Association for headquarters.