Guidelines for Speakers Rotary Club of Evansville

Helpful hints and guidelines for our weekly speakers.

Bally’s Executive Conference Center
421 NW Riverside Dr., Evansville, Indiana 47708

Walnut Room A and B

  • You may enter from the street on NW First Street beside the entrance to the Casino parking garage or park in the garage and come down the escalator. 

Rotary Contact:

Lee Dahlgren, Rotary Executive Assistant

Phone: 812-962-4687 

E-mail at

Meeting Format:  

  • The Rotary Club of Evansville meets at noon every Tuesday (except holidays.)
  • Speakers are invited to sit at the head table next to our President, Pete Hillebrand.
  • Please be seated by 12 noon.
  • The meeting starts promptly at noon with a bell, followed by the pledge of allegiance, prayer and introductions.  
  • The speaker typically is introduced by a member of the speaker committee.  Please email your bio for the introduction and publicity needs.


  • Buffet style meal starts around 11:30 AM.
  • Speaker meals are complimentary.  Additional guests are welcome to make reservations online at  The $22 guest lunch fee can be paid online or at the door.  

Weekly Presentation:  

  • Presentations are generally 20-30 minutes, with some time for Q&A.
  • Announcements follow if time allows.
  • Meetings end promptly at 1 PM.


  • A podium and wired microphone are provided.  A lap mic is available if arranged beforehand.
  • A presentation setup with a projector and screen is available.  The screen is behind you, but a laptop will be on a table next to the podium.  There is not a confidence monitor.   

Corporate Reserved Tables: 

Pre-Meeting Arrangements:  

  • A member of the speakers committee, the Rotary Executive Assistant, and/or a technical support person will help you set up and test equipment upon arrival.
  • Please e-mail your presentation to up until the day before your arrival.  
  • Feel free to bring literature for distribution.  Arrive early so that materials can be set at each table.  We recommend 100 pieces.


  • Our luncheons are open to everyone, including non-members and the media.
  • If your schedule allows, please stay until 1:15 PM to speak with any media present or Rotary Club of Evansville members with additional questions.
  • Programs are recorded and aired on WNIN-TV Channel 9.1 at 10:00 AM on the Sunday following the luncheon and can be viewed online anytime at
  • Rotary programs also air on WIKY Radio at 5 AM on Saturdays, and on WSTO, WABX, and WLYD at 5 AM on Sunday mornings.


For any questions, e-mail Lee Dahlgren, Rotary Executive Assistance at or Rotary President-Elect, Ashley Vezzoso Schaefer at  

  • Purpose: Guidelines or helpful hints for our weekly speakers.

  • Location: Bally’s Executive Conference Center, 421 NW Riverside Dr., Evansville, Indiana 47708
    Walnut Room A and B | Phone (812) 433-4332
    You may enter from the street on NW First Street beside the entrance to the Casino parking garage or park in the garage and come down the escalator.

    Rotary Phone (Rotary Executive Asst.): (812) 962-4687 or email at

  • Meeting Format: Downtown Rotarians meet at noon every Tuesday (except legal holidays). You will be asked to sit at the head table next to our President Scott Hurt. Please be prepared to be seated at noon. The bell is rung between 12:00 and 12:10 p.m. calling all present to rise to their feet. The meeting begins with a pledge of allegiance, prayer and introductions. The speaker typically is introduced by the monthly speaker chair [please provide bio information to assist in an introduction].

  • Meal: The meal serving line is available beginning at 11:40 a.m. Food service is buffet style. Speakers should feel free to go through the buffet and then take their place at the head table. The speaker’s meal is complimentary, additional guests are encouraged to make a reservation using our online reservation system. The $22 guest lunch fee may be paid online or at the door.

  • Weekly Presentation: The speaker is typically introduced between 12:10 and 12:20 p.m. Average weekly presentations are 20-30 minutes in length leaving some time for questions and answers. Do not expect many questions given that members are sensitive to everyone’s time constraints.
    If time remains, announcements will be made following the weekly speaking presentation.

  • Adjournment: Adjournment is at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Members tend to leave quickly if a meeting extends beyond 1:00 p.m.

  • Audio/Visual: A public address system with a podium microphone is used by all speakers. [A lapel microphone is available if arranged beforehand.] A PowerPoint computer with projector and screen are also available on a weekly basis. The screen is behind the speaker, but the computer screen can be viewed on a table beside the podium.

  • Corporate Reserved Tables: The opportunity is available to have a reserved table for 5 for $250 at the luncheon with your organization’s logo displayed on the table and special recognition announced from the podium. If your company or organization would like to purchase corporate tables at any Rotary event please click here. Submission of the online form will automatically initiate an invoice request. Please do not pay for corporate tables online.

  • Pre-Meeting Arrangements: The monthly speaker chair, or  (Rotary Executive Asst.) and/or a Bally’s Technical support person are available to meet you to help you set up and test equipment…both audio and visual equipment when you arrive. If possible, please email your PowerPoint presentation to our administrative assistant at the day before your presentation.

  • Post-Presentation: A number of members appreciate the opportunity to thank you and speak with you after the meeting. If your schedule permits, please plan on staying until approximately 1:10 p.m. to speak with the news media and/or members of the Rotary.

  • Handouts: Speakers are allowed to bring interpretive literature and place it on the tables. Arriving early so that we can assist distributing the material will be extremely helpful. We recommend about 100 pieces.

  • Media: Rotary Club of Evansville luncheons are open to all who wish to attend, including media. Our weekly programs are recorded and aired on WNIN-TV Channel 9.1 at 10:00 a.m. on the Sunday following the luncheon. Programs are available for viewing online anytime at In addition, Rotary programs air on WIKY Radio at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday, and on WSTO, WABX and WLYD at 5:00 a.m. Sunday mornings.

  • Questions: Direct any questions by emailing the Rotary Executive Assistant at ; and/or the Rotary President-Elect (responsible for speakers) Philip R. Hooper   phone 812-618-5000, or by email at

Pete Hillenbrand