
  • 1937 • To those persons known and unknown who served the Evansville area so heroically during the Ohio River flood.
  •  1936 • Mr. F. B. Culley, for his civic service in the Community Fund, Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, Vanderburgh County Tuberculosis Society, Chamber of Commerce, Young Men’s Christian Association and the Kiwanis Club
  • 1935 • Mr. George F. Boehne, president of the Chamber of Commerce, for the great strides forward in the industrial and commercial life of the city during his presidency.
  • 1934 • Mr. John R. Sterne, for his great work through the Masonic Shrine in aiding in the treatment of crippled children.
  • 1934 • Mr. L. A. Parker, for his leadership as chairman of the first Community Fund Drive which was a notable success.
  • 1931 • Rev. Ernest I. Reveal, for his long untiring and successful service in the management of the Evansville Rescue Mission and for the wide influence of his life as a sincere Christian.